Activating Higher Sexuality. Activating the 24 Inner and 24 Outer Chakras

Activating Higher Sexuality. Activating the 24 Inner and 24 Outer Chakras


International practical webinars


2 webinars (audio and video recordings and pdf materials)

Cost per participant: $149 - PAY NOW via PayPal

The expression of Higher Sexuality is the basis for manifesting outcome.
The world around us is projected from our inner world!
The fluid alchemy of interaction between both worlds as one whole is the true expression of Resurrected Mastery.

The fluid alchemy of expression that results from the integrated use of inner and outer senses and perspectives adds up to the final component of the alchemical equation:
The Magical Manifestation of Miraculous Outcomes of Peace and Delight

Facilitator: Ella Yelinek (Spiritual Journeys, Mudrost Almine).

Live translation provided by Sergey Achkasov (Spiritual Journeys, Mudrost Almine).

If you have any questions, please mail to:

Course participants will receive:

recordings of the webinars for study online at a time most convenient for you (duration of each webinar: 3 – 4,5 hours);
– full instructions (pdf);


- Activation of 144 Tones of Clarity.
- Activation of 144 Tones of Purity.

Podcast with Ella and Sergey discussing the upcoming 2-webinar series Activating Higher Sexuality - Activating the 48 Chakras:

- How peace and delight manifest in our physical reality

- How to abide in peace, in the «eye of the storm»

- What True delight is, and how it manifests

- Divine orgasm and delighting in life

- Merging of inner and outer realities

- The amazing bonuses brought by Activation of Higher Sexuality and Activation of the 48 Chakras

Peace and delight in their True expressions are, for many people, not consciously realized or understood.

Peace is always present, even when:
- your mind is constantly babbling
- your emotions escalate
- you speak loudly
- you are in a crowded and noisy place
- etc.

Ask yourself, “How often do I feel peace during such times?”

The state of delight is accessible to you right now!
Are you experiencing delight in reading these lines, or is your mind assigning a value judgment to the information?

In order to increase your expression, feeling, and awareness of Peace and Delight in the Magical Manifestation of Miraculous Outcomes, and also to activate your Higher sexuality, it is necessary for:
- your 24 chakras of outer space and your 24 chakras of inner space to function fully, i.e. to be active
- the 24 States of Awareness and the 24 Attitudes of Exhilaration to be activated and expressed in your life (these are the keys for activating the chakras of inner and outer space)

Activating the 24 chakras of outer space and the 24 chakras of inner space:
- fully opens the door to the extremely powerful field of pure potential and unlimited possibilities, the Haaraknit
- makes the techniques for activating Higher Sexuality and manifestation effective.

Bonuses of Activating Higher Sexuality/Activating the 24 Inner and 24 Outer Chakras:

- Activation of Higher Sexuality
- Mastery of manifestation
- Clearing obsolete or programmed patterns from all chakras of inner and outer space
- Activation of the chakras to emit their pure frequency by living their corresponding States of Awareness or Attitudes of Exhilaration
- Fully opening the path into the inner space of Haaraknit - an extremely powerful field of pure potential and unlimited possibilities
- Expression, feeling and awareness of Peace and Delight in the Magical Manifestation of Miraculous Outcomes
- Becoming Fluid Alchemy
- Balanced expression of masculine and feminine
And much more.

This webinar is recommended for anyone who:
- is ready to go beyond the existence of the matrix and rise to the throne of their Self-Sovereignty as a God Being, claiming their innate power and might
- uses tools from various courses and books of Almine
- practices with cards from Almine
- practices Belvaspata
- is a student of the International Academy of Spiritual Mastery
- is a healer, life coach, etc.
- feels the response of their heart:

That the time has come for the caterpillar to become a butterfly!
In humble surrender to the unfolding of life, our Divine majesty reveals itself.

Webinar PROGRAM:
using tools from the Resurrected Master Almine
- Activating the 24 inner chakras, integrating the 24 States of Awareness
- Activating the 24 outer chakras, integrating the 24 Attitudes of Exhilaration
- Calling the Lemurian and Atlantean Angels
- Activating the Equation of Fluid Alchemy
- Practicing the technique for activating higher sexuality from Almine (the Sacred exercise of sexuality)
- Digesting density, activating the Higher function of the stomach
- Purifying physical life, soul and spirit
- Entering the Haaraknit – the extremely powerful field of pure potential and unlimited possibilities


"In fact, I have practiced alone different programs the past two years; I have never ever had a chance to participate physically in any programs before Almine's health issues. Since I started with these webinars courses in addition to the timemaps, the practice on the book "Bridge of No Time", I have felt significant progress on my journey." Joel

"I want to thank you from my heart for such a beautiful webinar and healing session. Deep gratitude for the depth of the teachings and the materials, for the attention to the details, for your harmony and the love and devotion you place in your work. It is an example for me."

Sending a Hug with much Love, Maria J.

"Dear Ella,

I am having so much clearing and dissolving of illusion after the Brain activation wheels and the Aravespi Belvaspata!

I feel like a different person now. The brain fog has finally cleared and I feel so clear and grounded. It is incredible. My life has already changed!

I can feel the presence of angels and how they wrap their arms around me:)"

Much love to you and the team, Dhani

"Dear Beloved Team Russia,
In considering your work and great gift to me, and the world, it makes me think of a verse from the Tao Te Ching. “When the Masters work is done the people say, amazing we did it, all by ourselves!”
Perceiving this then, it is quite apparent to me that great work which is now being done in me is not because of my mastery, but rather yours.
It is to TeamRussia which I owe a profound thank you. It is upon your shoulders which I find myself able to stand. It is because of your great strength of heart, devotion, and, excellence that you now find yourself so closely positioned to our beloved Almine. You have found yourself entrusted with her most sacred knowledge, and given the task of disseminating it the world.
Sense my participation in your ongoing webinar classes you have been a true bridge to Almine for me. And have given me access to her teachings and power which I normally would not have.
Time and again you bring all the world together in wondrous group alchemical equations that create such effective change in me that I can only pause in reverence.
All the world meets on your doorstep, and it is to you dear Russia, which we owe a profound THANK YOU.
I say again, Thank you…
…Thank you Ella, Sergey, and Ekaterina for the unspeakable blessing that you are in my life." With unspeakable Love, Praise, and Gratitude,

"Blessings to you all! I have wished to express in words the feelings of gratitude for the Rune and Untaintable Existence courses and the results in my being from the alchemy of all participating. I cannot find the words and I think you know what I mean. There are no words only immense changes within and growing praise, gratitude, trust, and Divine Compassion. I have come to a place also of great joy in living and unfolding revelations of self within the Infinite. I am also being brought into a deeper more joyous experience of practicing Belvaspata and the experience within of being a Grand Master. Ella, Sergey, Ekaterina, and all who work to bring these courses into reality thank you for this great blessing. Also, a humorous experience I had with Sergey's music - I purchased The Infinite album and couldn't figure out why I did not like the music. It was like many notes were missing. I knew it was something within me and asked to know what was " going on". Well I listened again to the Infinite song and all the music was there for me to hear - it was wonderful! I was afraid to experience the depth of release of emotions. Your music led me through a most joyous experience. I danced within and throughout the Universe!"

With great love for you all, Lynette

"I just wanted to comment on how I feel when I am participating with the Russian Almine Team on a webinar. I have for many many years participated in numerous courses, too numerous to mention, and I have to say that I have never experienced such deep love and compassion, sincerity and heart-felt gratitude from those who are teaching the course as I do with Almine Russia. The beautiful music of heart felt love that Ella and Sergey emanate from their Infinite Selves is beyond words". Patty

"Just want to let you know what a tremendous joy it was to be part of Part 1 of the Webinar series Zero Point. I just love the synergy and profoundness. This is truly powerful and I feel altered already". Laura

"I feel like telling you about my experiences after the first part of the VIP practicum God Merkaba webinar. When my field of hope was established, the pyramids rotating. I felt somehow complete, "like it should be". I remember, my cells know this state of being :) A very deep feeling of "wanting to fly" came over me. The sensation was very touching, somewhere between hurting and bliss.. I'm deeply grateful for all the gifts and blessings I'm encountering in my life just now. You are great! And Almine is miraculous indeed". Irene

"I finished the Power Objects webinar and entered into the Divine Life of Godhood thru your meditation with Gods and Goddesses. As you led us thru visualization of leaving our cocoon and becoming the butterfly I truly did become the butterfly of Beauty in my reality and felt the ripples of Life as my ripple flowing merging with all other ripples from participants and the Gods and Goddess. It almost hurts to try to use words to convey my blessed experiences today. Bless you for all of the powerful webinars as they have powerfully changed my beliefs and therefor my reality!" Lynette

"Just amazing – the energies were unbelievably amazing and powerful! I feel every cell vibrating, my body is tingling :))) My whole body is humming, like it is about to take off! I love you and thank you from my whole heart!!!" Marina

"A huge THANK YOU for the webinar. Everything was so powerful. Just like at a retreat. I have never been able to go that deep at home before. Just super and super. Everything is opening up inside. Everything is made of gratitude )))" Elena

"Ella, I write you my testimonial about your webinars with sincere Love and Gratitude. Thanks to these practical sessions the material is very easy to learn, virtually without questions. All nuances are discussed, everything is explained in great detail, so the students have no problems practicing the techniques on their own – just listen and do, and sincerely thank your teacher for the work they put in. Dear Ella, I sincerely thank you for helping us all – huge thanks to you". With huge Love and Gratitude, Lena Ustinova

"My dear magical Ella! Thanks to YOU I have forgotten how to walk!!!))) Yes, now I only fly, and miracles follow me wherever I go – they just happen every step of the way. I LOVE and thank you! Describing everything would take too long, but sometimes it is hard even for me to believe that I am in Germany". Inessa Borga

"Ella, huge thanks to you for the webinar, for the work you put in, for the state that has returned to me: just be and love infinitely. Words cannot express how much I am overflowing with praise, love and gratitude in trust. Please keep supporting us with your creative endeavors – they provide such a great impulse to want to live… Thank you and I love you infinitely))" Nadezhda

"Ella, thank you from my whole heart!!! Unbelievably amazing sensations! I still have pressure in my ears. The energies were so tangible! There were a few moments where it was difficult for me. I listened and was enchanted by your lightness, femininity and inner light, radiating with tenderness and love))))))))) Thank you once again, and I hope soon to feel at home in this magical current! With my whole heart, I wish you goodness, love, and joy!!!!!" With warm respect, Olga

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