Children of the World Ceremonial Sound Elixir

Children of the World Ceremonial Sound Elixir


The Seer Almine’s Recording Studio presents:

Children of the World Ceremonial Sound Elixir

Alchemical Musical Ceremony for the Protection of Children from Abuse

The Seer Almine calls forth The Lord of Light Mooshaaaooeevoshaarma: He who oversees legions to bring child abuse perpetrators to immediate exposure and justice, to heal and remove innocents from such abuse

Format: МР3



We received a voice message from Almine, in which she calls the name of The Lord of Light who is the protector of innocent children who have been abused. And our Ceremonial Sound Elixir “Children of The World” was born. Almine’s voice, calling the Lord of Light, served as the initial impulse of inspiration for this Elixir. As soon as we heard her recorded voice, the music was born in an instant!

Practically every child on Earth is subjected to some form and level of abuse or force. Families in which children are not punished physically or subjected to emotional abuse, are extremely rare. There are many levels of abusive treatment of children – from light psychological pressure to extreme sadism, child slavery or even ritualistic child sacrifice.

Raising children using absolutely no psychological or physical force is possible only for parents with a very high level of consciousness. Their ability to access Divine wisdom for highly effective key words and methods allows them to raise children without having to resort to forceful measures which cause emotional and physical trauma and create psychological and sometimes physical limitations for the rest of the child’s life.Harsh treatment of children can happen not just in the home, but also at school, including abusive treatment from other children. The prevalence of bullying is a widespread phenomenon. 

We wholeheartedly invite you to join our International Light Family in the Alchemical Musical Ceremony for the Protection of Children from Abuse.

The Sound Elixir, “Children of The World,” uses the recording of Almine calling the Lord of Light, which we received from her on the magical day of March 6, literally 2 seconds after I had placed the order for my Alchemical Healing Oil. Such synchronicity cannot be a mere coincidence! The Lord of Light is Mooshaaaooeevoshaarma: He who oversees legions to bring child abuse perpetrators to immediate exposure and justice, to heal and remove innocents from such abuse. She also sent the name of another being that helps with this function, Mayunashad: The Overseer of the innocents.

The Musical Ceremony, “Children of the World,” accomplishes three tasks of the Infinite: 

  • We stop child abuse on a global level. The Lord of Light called by Almine has the assignment from the Infinite to protect the children of the Earth from abuse and harsh treatment.
  • Practically every one of us was subject to harsh treatment of some form or another. The sounds of the Elixir contain the alchemy for healing our Inner Child. In our ceremonial role as Cosmic Archetype, by healing ourselves, we heal all who are currently or formerly children in the world, who still feel the effects of abuse in their life. The Ceremony is our blessed opportunity to express our healing and supportive love for our Inner Child.
  • The music of the Sound Elixir, “Children of the World,” serves as a key for unlocking the source of Divine Wisdom for effective childrearing without the use of psychological or physical force. From the point of view of limited human consciousness, this seems impossible. But, as we know, there is a tendency to call “impossible” situations we just don’t have enough information about. Before conducting the Musical Ceremony, we create an intention to access, within ourselves, this information which has always been in us as un-accessed potential. The Elixir, “Children of the World,contains codes for accessing this information. As soon as it is accessed, it becomes accessible for the collective Consciousness.

Recommendations for participating in the Alchemical Musical Ceremony:

  • Find a place where you will not be bothered for approximately 1 hour.
  • We recommend spending 5-10 minutes in complete silence before turning on the music for the Ceremony.
  • Before turning on the Sound Elixir, silently repeat for yourself the goal of our Ceremony: to protect the children of the Earth from abuse; to heal our Inner Child from effects of abuse; and to access the potential for Divine Wisdom of the Infinite for raising children effectively without harshness, manipulation, or force.
  • Listen to the Elixir, “Children of the World,” in a state of surrendered trust. Almine frequently reminds us that we should not create specific expectations, because that limits the outcome. We understand that our mind cannot know how the Infinite will protect the children of the world and heal our Inner Child. At the same time, Almine also constantly reminds us that every action of ours – especially in a ceremony – transforms life on Earth. Consequently, our participation in the Ceremony will initiate a chain of events that will eventually lead to fulfilling the Ceremony’s purpose in the most unexpected and wonderful manner.All we have to do is completely surrender in trust to the sounds flowing through the Elixir.
  • After listening to the Elixir, you may desire to spend some time in silence.

For your convenience, since we are all located in different time zones, the Ceremony is not tied to a particular date and time. Together, we create a collective field of our united group ceremonial alchemy, regardless what time you choose to conduct the ceremony. For maximum effect, we recommend using earphones.

Duration: 18:12


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