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The Seer Almine’s Recording Studio in Russia presents:
Music for The Map of Potential
Awakening Your Divine Power
Format: МР3
This music is created for the newest tool from The Infinite received by The Seer Almine – The Map of Potential (https://almine.store/product/daily-map-potential/).
God Power Access – these are the words of power used daily when working with the Angel Gods for each day of the Map of Potential.
During the Retreat in September 2019, The Seer Almine said that we are entering a new reality where qualities of the Divine Feminine predominate, which means stronger frequency and the rise of our magical power. Many of our Lightfamily have asked why we do not see significant miracles and manifestations of our power, although we are Divine Beings. For many eons, our abilities were in a state of dormant potential. But now the situation has changed, we are rising in our Divine Power! The time of magic and miracles has come!
The musical piece entitled GOD POWER ACCESS is intended for use as a musical accompaniment for your daily work with the Map of Potential. However, it can also be used as a musical background in your environment – your home, car, at work, on a walk – regardless of whether or not you have the Map of Potential to work with. The GOD POWER ACCESS music opens the door to your Limitless Omnipotent Divine Power!
Duration: 30:54