"Healing The Earth" Sound Elixir

"Healing The Earth" Sound Elixir


The Seer Almine’s Recording Studio presents:

"Healing The Earth" Sound Elixir

Format: МР3

We cordially invite all of our global Lightfamily to The Musical Ceremony to Heal and Bless the Earth!

Sometimes The Seer Almine’s messages to us contain strategically important prophetic warnings. Some of the readers our websites expressed their concern about the fact that, in their opinion, these look like negative prophecies designed to instill fear. In reality, we need to always remember that one of the functions of The Seer is to look at possible variations of future scenarios, based on the current situation. Almine has reminded us many times that any prophecy is conditional – that is, it is not and cannot be the final verdict, because it is in our capacity to change the order of things in the current moment, which creates completely new options for the future, because we are the archetypes of Cosmic life. Now, as never before, our participation in the development of our precious planet is vitally important – our Earth that is the cradle of Cosmic civilization and the assemblage point of the whole Cosmos.

An unexpected turn of events has occurred in The Seer Almine's Recording Studio in Russia. As always, things are happening that we could not begin to foresee. Although we plan the timing of when new Sound Elixirs are released, we always receive the theme to base it on at the last minute, as we sit down to write it. But what has happened in July is beyond our wildest expectations. Completely unexpectedly, we realized that July's Sound Elixir will not be in the format of a typical musical piece.

By the Grace of The Infinite, we were given the Ceremonial Sound Elixir – a unique opportunity for us to unite as a collective portal of Blessing and Healing for the Earth, rebirthing her into a pristine state as the Magical Garden of The Infinite and the home of the Original Ones. In her recent message, The Seer Almine noted that in our current reality, our thoughts and feelings manifest instantly. This is even more so for the thoughts and feelings of The Infinite flowing through us as living portals during The Musical Ceremony for Healing the Earth.

In 2019, Almine taught us the most powerful Magic in the Cosmos – Unintentional Magic – through which we become living conduits of Infinite Intent. This is possible only if we do not try to impose our will on life – we do not project anything specific, we do not try to manifest a specific outcome. The first and primary condition for participation in The Musical Ceremony for Healing the Earth is our awareness of the fact that, from our current vantage point, we cannot see the big picture of the Cosmic reality, and we cannot know what truly serves the highest good for the Earth and the Cosmos. The limitation of our perspective is conditioned by the peculiarities of our individualized expression, through which we are fulfilling our current Cosmic assignment. But The Infinite sees life from an eternal perspective and knows everything, including all possible options for a bright and beneficial future for the Earth, which we cannot see from our limited perspective. But when we merge with The Infinite in our total surrendered trust, we go beyond the bounds of our limitations, becoming living portals for instant manifestation of Infinite Intent.

The length of the Sound Elixir “Healing the Earth”: 45 minutes

Taking into consideration the personal preferences of each participant, including the difference in time zones, we invite you to complete the 45-minute Ceremony at a time and place convenient for you. In the reality of no-time and no-space, the seeming differences in time and space have no meaning for us.

Recommendations for participating

in The Musical Ceremony to Heal and Bless the Earth

1) Find a comfortable time and place. Be sure that no one will interrupt you for a full hour. After the 45 minutes of hearing the Sound Elixir “Healing The Earth”, you may want to remain in meditation for some time.

2) Since The Ceremony has, as its purpose, the instant manifestation of the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of The Infinite, during the 45 minutes The Elixir is playing, be conscious of yourself as a living portal of the Infinite, through which It fulfills Its perfect Divine Intent. According to Almine, the necessary conditions have now been created on the Earth for instant manifestation of thoughts and feelings. We have a unique window of time to become living portals of manifesting the thoughts and feelings of The Infinite regarding the Planet Earth. All that we have to do is decide that, while the Ceremony Elixir is playing, we will function as living portals for manifesting on Earth the thoughts, feelings and intentions of The Infinite.

3) Be sure that you are as comfortable as possible. Find a comfortable position for your body. During one of her Seminars in Moscow, Almine said that our most effective and resourceful state for allowing Infinite Intent to flow through us is a very deep relaxation and falling into a state of mystical sleep. Almine calls this state one of the most powerful mystical tools. During the Russian-language Retreats in Newport, Almine frequently encouraged participants to sleep during the Retreat. Many of the participants fell into a deep sleep while Almine was working. During her Retreats, Almine showed us by her own personal example, miracles of mystical sleep. In fact, everything that happened during the Retreats was born during her mystical sleep. When we had our times of silence, Almine would fall asleep for a while, then wake up with fresh revelations of The Infinite that she would then share with us. Almine suggests the practice of receiving answers from the Infinite to a given question. We formulate the question in our mind or say it out loud, fall asleep, and wake up with the answer. The music of the Ceremonial Elixir facilitates entering into a state of deep relaxation. For maximally deep immersion into this powerful state, we recommend listening with headphones at a low volume.

4) After the Ceremonial Sound Elixir is finished playing, allow yourself to consciously feel the state of love, praise, gratitude and trust in surrender to The Infinite. We feel deep, infinite gratitude for the great privilege of being the open portals for manifestation of the thoughts and feelings of The Infinite globally and in our immediate environment
! If desired, you may remain for some time in meditation.

Later on, you can repeat The Musical Ceremony to Heal and Bless the Earth whenever you desire and are able. One of the end goals of this Ceremony is to establish us in the state of being a living portal of manifestation for Infinite Intent on a personal and a global level. Also, you can listen to The Sound Elixir “Healing The Earth” anytime you feel inspired to – using it as a background music to enhance the sacred atmosphere of your personal space. “Healing The Earth” is infused by alchemical properties to bless, heal, uplift and empower your life and your environment. Like any other Sound Elixir, it is your musical power object.

We offer you the feedback from one of our first participants in the Global Musical Ceremony to Heal and Bless the Earth – Irina Panferova from Russia:

“What a joy, to have the privilege of allowing The Infinite to work Its miraculous acts of Love through us!

These unique musical tones invisibly activate delicate strings in us and our wonderful planet. They were born of authentic, innocent insights of pure hearts, for which reason they, without a doubt, bring the Earth messages and blessings from The Infinite.

The time will come when Almine will tell us the amazing planetary and cosmic events we initiated by such an extraordinary Musical Ceremony expressing our sincere love to the cradle of Cosmic Life – the wonderful and patient planet Earth. Inspiration and childlike innocence are all we need, for Infinite Intent to be gently transmitted to the planet without even the smallest distortion.

We have birthed a new humanity. As conscious parents, we create, with inspiration, a sacred space for our children to develop in.

And it is not somewhere out there, but right here, on our planet Earth that is awakened by the singing of birds, washed by the fresh morning dew, and fed by Infinite Intent.

There are many of us that are awakened, inspired and joyful. We are in every corner of the world. And our whole planet can become a unified, sacred, joyful home for the new humanity.

And all that we need for this is to remain in deep inner silence, alone with the planet, accompanied by enchanting musical sounds. And this is Alchemy worthy of true masters. The rest is done by The Infinite”.

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