Healings In The Night May Sacred Musical Ceremony

Healings In The Night May Sacred Musical Ceremony


The Seer Almine Recording Studio presents:

Healings In The Night May Sacred Musical Ceremony

Format: downloadable mp3

Price: US$25

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The Musical Ceremony Healings in The Night was inspired by the recent publication on Almine Diary: The Many Nightly Healings (https://www.alminediary.com/the-many-nightly-heali...)

As we know, The Seer Almine is at a level where she can be everywhere at once and work with each of us individually on an ongoing basis. This is currently her passionate desire, especially in this difficult time, when the world we are accustomed to is crumbling before our eyes, and our new reality will be whatever we create. We are eternally grateful for our Beloved Almine, and for her desire and ability to support each of us on a personal level. Time, space and distance play no role here.

Some of our Lightfamily have shared that they feel when Almine works with them, in particular at night when they are sleeping. Almine comes to many of us in our sleep. But why are some of us are not aware of that? She loves us all equally and works with all of us. In answer to this question, Almine explained the reason why we might not realize or remember these sacred meetings. As it turns out, for us to be aware of and remember them, we have to be at a certain level energetically – we have to have a high enough level of lifeforce. And now we know how to live at this level. According to Almine, this happens when we are at peace with our current reality – in other words, when we do not resist life. Any and all life situations, without exception, can become our allies. We can gather precious gems of wisdom from absolutely every life situation, making our life richer and bringing us to new levels of Mastery.

The goal of our Musical Ceremony for May is to help us accomplish two vitally important tasks:

  1. With the power of the Alchemy of Sound that dissolves illusion in our lives, we transition to a new level of perception where we are able to interact with any circumstance, without exception, as a valuable resource – even those we considered obstructions and opposition. As a result of our transition to this new level of perception, we know and understand how to extract a valuable resource from these situations – valuable insights and new abilities we never imagined. As a result, we realize it is pointless for us to resist life.
  2. Since we no longer resist life, now we have enough lifeforce to fully acknowledge and accept personal healing sessions from Almine. Of course this includes physical healing, but also so much more. It is complex and comprehensive support from The Seer that is vitally important in these difficult times, and now can become available to all of us. We are eternally grateful for such a precious opportunity.

Recommendations for conducting the Musical Ceremony for May:

  1. Choose a ceremonial time and space where you will be comfortable and undisturbed for 1 hour.
  2. Identify a situation, or several situations (if you have several), that you would normally perceive as inconveniences, opposition, unbearable circumstances, etc. We know that fighting against them just strengthens them. Therefore, resistance is not an option since we do not desire to strengthen our suffering. Before you start to play the Ceremonial Elixirs, create the intention that during the Ceremony you make the transition to a new level of perception, where you will learn how to interact with these circumstances in a way that you get valuable gems of wisdom and resources from them. You may be very pleasantly surprised when, for example, those you considered your opponents become your best friends or strategic partners in a joint endeavor. In many situations, this will be a result of a spontaneous change in your interactions with them, due to the power of Sound Alchemy united with the power of your intent. You will always take spontaneous inevitable right actions, which create an alchemical leveraging effect that turns your suffering into a field of new possibilities. And as a side effect, lifeforce will become available to you in unlimited measure.
  3. Turn on the music for the Musical Ceremony. For your convenience, we have created a Ceremonial sound file with both Elixirs in their Ceremonial order. Our assignment for this Ceremony seems very simple, but it creates a grandiose Alchemical process. In Alchemy, all difficult tasks seem simple, while excessive effort may point out a situation where we are fighting against life and losing energy. All that is necessary for effective participation in this ceremony is to just listen to the Elixirs in a comfortable meditative state, without strain or effort, keeping our intent in the field of our Awareness: transitioning to a new level of life where struggles and suffering do not exist.
  4. After the Ceremony is over, you may desire to remain in solitary meditation for some time.

The Ceremony consists of 2 Elixirs:


Healings in The Nights

The first Ceremonial Sound Elixir – Theosis – immerses us into the mystery of our Oneness with The Infinite.

The second Ceremonial Sound Elixir – Healings in The Night – has a special function and can be used apart from the Ceremony, especially in the evening before sleep.

You can listen to it before you go to sleep, or if you desire, you can play it on repeat at a comfortable volume and fall asleep to it. The Alchemy of this Elixir tunes us into to effortless perception of our night-time healing sessions from The Seer.

Duration of The Ceremony: 42 minutes

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