Lucidity Solstice 2022 Sacred Musical Ceremony

Lucidity Solstice 2022 Sacred Musical Ceremony


The Seer Almine Studio presents:

Lucidity Solstice 2022 Sacred Musical Ceremony

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Format: mp3

Price: US$27

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As with all our Musical Elixirs, Lucidity Sacred Ceremony was born from the words of The Seer Almine – this time in her publication, “The Dream of Life”:

This description of experiencing life as a lucid dream, brings us one step closer to an even deeper understanding of what our life experience is – The Seer Almine

We know that the best way to learn to be lucid while dreaming at night is to be conscious and lucid while awake. Almine calls all of our life experience in external space the Dream of the Infinite – in reality there is no difference between dreams while we are sleeping and the dream we experience while awake. People, events and circumstances may differ, but we remain as we are.

Nevertheless, there is the possibility of full or partial loss of consciousness or self-awareness, during both sleep and wake time. If we become fully aware of ourselves during our wake time, then we will naturally carry that awareness into our dreamtime. If we lose self-awareness in our everyday life, we just as naturally will not be self-aware during sleep.

The goal of our Solstice 2022 Sacred Ceremony is to effectively awaken in ourselves a state where we live in full self-awareness, becoming aware of our true feelings, our true desires, our true Song of Self. The Ceremony Elixirs contain everything necessary for this Sound Alchemy.

Many of us, particularly before finding our Sacred Path together with Almine, admit to living – either fully or partially – what seemed “not our own life.” It seemed that we were easy to manipulate or influence, as if we did not express our true desires, but instead fulfilled the desires of external sources of influence. And we wanted to figure out what we wanted, we wanted to find ourselves, to find our own Higher Truth, our true Song of Self, our true self-expression.

Thanks to Almine, we learned that, as it turns out, all of our past experience, without exception, is innocent and valuable. It turns out we were not “lost,” because it is impossible to end up in a place where the Infinite is not. It also turns out that one effective way to become self-aware is to experiment using identities that we are not, in order to better see who we are in comparison.

“I have not the slightest desire to tell you what to do, because I see everything you do as perfect. Because whatever you choose, and it might be choosing to live that which you are not – whatever you choose is your shortest path to understanding what you truly are. Sometimes we need to experience that which we are not, so we can understand what we are – Luminous Beings of Light” – The Seer Almine

We know from The Seer Almine that the key factor here is trusting ourselves, our feelings and the language of our body, which are our most faithful and true sources of information about ourselves, our Highest Truth, our true goals and desires, and also about whether or not we are acting according to our Highest Truth.

Living in accordance with our Highest Truth is living by inspiration.

We do only that which inspires us.

We do only that which makes our heart sing.

We do only that which brings happiness and bliss to our physical bodies.

But, in that case, why do some of our Lightfamily write us that they are suffering, that they have to do many things that not only do not inspire them, but evoke disgust? That they do not remember when they last heard the joyful song of their heart and felt a state of deep peace and bliss?

In reality, it is impossible for us to ever lose our connection with The Infinite, or for us to have ever lost it, although there may be times we do not feel this connection.

We have never done anything “wrong” in our lives. We have always acted according to the level of Consciousness available to us, and used the resources we had available to us, as determined by the peculiarities of our perception, innate to each level of existence we have experienced, each cycle of our existence. But we know that yesterday’s truth is not our truth for today. Today, thanks to the experience we have gained throughout millions and millions of years of our existence; thanks to the unbelievably huge amount of information and tools we have received throughout the past 20 years and are continuing to receive – we have a different Awareness and different possibilities. During the course of eons of time, we studied what we are not. And now, finally, the long-awaited time has come, when we have awakened from the dream of separation – we have started to receive the first glimpses of becoming aware of ourselves as we really are. The Summer Solstice is traditionally celebrated as a Holiday of Light. It is the longest day in the northern hemisphere. Lightworkers around the world unite on this day to conduct sacred ceremonies. This year, the Summer Solstice will occur on June 21. Our Lightfamily throughout the whole world will come together on this day – Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - to celebrate the Light of Divine Revelation of our Highest Truth. We have a Great Portal at our disposal, which, as we go through it, will give us the ability to discover ourselves fully. And for each of us, this will be a unique and personal experience.

As always, we unite in Collective Alchemy on this day, which makes this Ceremony truly a key turning point not only in our lives, but in the life of the whole Cosmos, since we are Cosmic Archetypes.

You may perform the Ceremony at any time on June 21, 2022 that is convenient for you. Even though we are in different countries on different continents, in different time zones, all of us participate together in Timelessness.

Recommendations for participation in the Lucidity Sacred Solstice Musical Ceremony

First of all, we realize that there is no point in regretting or feeling guilty about our experiments with what we are not, because without them we would not be able to know what we really are. The manner in which we leave this series of experiments is different for each one, very unique and personal, because we understand that there is no need to place value judgments or compare ourselves with others. For example, some of us may still desire to experiment with false identities and models of behavior not natural to us, to more deeply understand what we are not, and as a result to have a richer and more exciting experience with our True Self and true self-expression. Perhaps, some of us have already reached a state where we express only our True Self and live only our Highest Truth. Those of us will also have a valuable advantage from this Ceremony – a richer, deeper and more exciting experience of Ourselves, and also discovering new potentials within that we never before knew about. After all, our experience of self-discovery never ends!

Lucidity Summer Solstice 2022 Sacred Musical Ceremony consists of 2 Sound Elixirs: Lucidity (19:57) and Beyond Your Dreams (20:11)

  • Choose a comfortable Ceremonial time and space where you may remain in solitude for 1 hour or more.
  • Look over your current life: your personal life, your professional life, your relationship with others around you, your hobbies and leisure, your health, your finances, your everyday home life, etc. During this process, pay attention to your feelings and physical senses. Our feelings and the language of our bodies are reliable sources of information. Pay attention to the sense of inner or physical comfort or discomfort when you look at each aspect of life. To what extent have you accepted the decisions you have made, based on your feelings and physical sensations? What decisions were made based on feelings and physical sensations, and which ones were made based on logic or pressure from others? Take as much time as you need to find answers to those questions.
  • Consider the following: We realize that all decisions we have made, we made in accordance with the level of Consciousness we were at, at the time. According to Almine, all of our decisions and actions are innocent and perfect. There is only perfection, and that includes the illusion of the dream of separation. We realize that actions taken under pressure from others, or while ignoring our feelings and the language of our body, are actions contrary to our Highest Truth, or, to our true desires. But we also realize that this was our sovereign desire – to act contrary to our true desires and inspiration – because we wanted to deeply explore what we are not. We understand that we cannot fail. We always have been, are, and always will be sovereign Creators of our own reality, and everything we did, we did the way we were supposed to. There are no mistakes. Therefore, we have no reason to regret: “Oh, if only I could have done something differently…”
  • Determine to what extent your current possible actions based on logic, pressure, a sense of duty or obligation, contrary to your feelings and physical awareness, are still necessary to you as an experiment to explore the illusions of what you are not – which inevitably will bring you to the discovery of what you really are. Only you can determine this. If you feel that you have “outgrown” these illusions, you may decide henceforth to live and make decisions based only on your feelings and inspirations, even if it contradicts the logic of your mind. Mind is created to follow your feelings, not the other way around. If you feel that some of your current “illusions” are still necessary for the continuation of your inverted self-exploration, then you make a conscious decision to keep them until they are no longer necessary. If you feel that you no longer need them or part of them, make a conscious decision to release them. Honestly identify those of them you are ready to release and those of them that you choose to keep. Take as much time for this as you need.
  • Turn on the Lucidity Ceremonial Music. For your convenience, we have created a Ceremonial sound file with both Elixirs together in their Ceremonial order: Lucidity Solstice Ceremony 2022.mp3. Allow the power of the Sound Alchemy to dissolve all illusory influences on the path to your crystal-clear perception and awareness – to your becoming a lucid dreamer of your dream.
  • After the Ceremony music is finished playing, you may desire to remain in silent contemplation for some time in your Ceremonial space.

As with all Ceremonial Elixirs, you may use these after the Ceremony as background music, bringing the power of Sound Alchemy into your space, creating an atmosphere of Magic and Miracles.

Duration of The Ceremony: 40 minutes

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