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Dear Friends!
September 30 – October 2, 2016, a truly legendary event will take place in Moscow – a three day seminar by the Seer Almine, Presented by Rogier Chardet: Messages from the Future
The Seer shares her unprecedented and amazing experiences of traveling to the future to share with us how to steer the course of unfolding events on Earth.
This information has unlimited power to change our lives!
Previously unreleased materials from Almine will be available to you!
Cost per participant: $550 - PAY NOW via PayPal
"We are at a point of crossroads in time, during which it is imperative for the great Lights of the Earth to shape the future into a graceful one. It is gratifying to have been able to see how successful that which we have already done has been in evolving humanity." - The Seer Almine.
Themes include:
- Preparing the Body for Time Travel
- Working with the New Time Travel Wheel
- How to Alter the Future with a Time Capsule
- The Destiny of the Ancient Ones
- The Coming Dark Ages and the Destructuring of Humanity
- WW3 and the Desire to Be Seen
- The Various Forms of Hostile Alien Infiltration on Planet Earth
- Mars and the Planetary Axis Shift of 2264
- The Bird Tribes Vs the Parasites of Mind Control
- When the Inner Earth Opens its Doors
- Beyond Bankers: the Coming Paradigms of Earthly Rulers
- 3rd Millennium: the One Flaw in the Golden Age on Earth
We understand that many of our international light family would like to participate in this seminar, but are unable to travel to Moscow.
We are happy to announce that the complete seminar will be available as a video course, together with all handout materials.
Now you have an opportunity to join in this unique alchemy and receive all materials provided during the seminar in their entirety, as if you were physically present with us!
For the first time ever, all who wish to be part of this event will be able to, at whatever time and place is most convenient!
A Synopsis of the Future (2020 and Beyond) → Continue reading
Beyond Homo Sapiens (Why Almine Travels to the Future) → Continue reading
Almine is Back from the Future → Continue reading
For all support requests, please contact support@almine.ru