Music album by Sergey Achkasov "Symphony of Abundance"

Music album by Sergey Achkasov "Symphony of Abundance"


Sergey Achkasov

“Symphony of Abundance”

Alchemical Musical Elixirs

Downloadable mp3 format

Sergey's gift for creating sound elixirs was awakened after his first encounter with Almine's teachings in 2007. His first musical album, which was received and played spontaneously in real time without any kind of preparation, was produced as a result of Sergey's very strong desire to attend The Seer Almine's retreat in Colorado in 2008. Sergey planned to raise money to attend the retreat with the sale of these CD's, and that is exactly how it happened.

In the process of working with The Seer in Russia, Almine personally taught Sergey principles of working with frequencies for attaining the ability to create sound elixirs.

“It is no small accomplishment to be able to imbue one’s music with black sound in a balanced way. Without this component music may be inspirational, but not necessarily a sound elixir. I was therefore pleasantly surprised when I listened to Sergey’s CD called The Infinite, and heard that most of the musical pieces were, in fact, Elixirs. I pointed this out to him, making him aware of the difference. I attribute his ability to create Sound Elixirs that dispel illusion to the spontaneity and devotion with which they are produced – two key elements in achieving black (or, subliminal) sound. I am delighted that this very rare gift can be shared with others” - The Seer Almine

“Symphony of Abundance” was born in response to the collective intent of the Russian-speaking participants of The Seer Almine’s retreats in Newport, OR. The music in this album reflects the current transformative processes that are happening in The Seer Almine’s Global Light Family, including events at the two recent Retreats in April 2019.

The Seer received information about new Archetypes of the God Beings. Earlier we dealt with masculine and feminine archetypes – the God and Goddess Archetypes. But in the Field of the One there are new archetypes – the 12 Archetypes. They are neither masculine, nor feminine by their nature. In the Field of the One, masculine and feminine poles unite together into one whole.

The second piece in this album, “Symphony of Abundance,” is a musical representation of the 11th Archetype of the God Beings, Trasvatet: Becoming the Conduit of Eternal Supply.

“Dearest, you are the conduits of the ever-supplied river of life flowing through you, as the Givers of Movement and Measure. You are the banks of the river of life, you are the movement that propels the water within it. Just remember this, contemplate. Life automatically flows in abundance to you.” - The Seer Almine

“Symphony of Abundance” is approximately 20 minutes long. While listening, it is recommended (if desired) that you repeat affirmations of abundance aloud or to yourself:

“I Am the Source of Abundant Supply. My Being is my sustenance.”

"Abundance is the ability to enjoy life without the fear of loss. Now, having entered a new reality in the Field of the One, with Inspiration as our reference point and guiding principle, activation of the channel of Abundance provides such a graceful assistance to us newborn God Beings! The Infinite provided an opportunity for a small, lucky group of our Light Family to become the first to hear the Symphony of Abundance, right after it had flowed from Sergey's magical fingers. And now, for several days already, this miraculous Creation has been sounding in us, carrying out the Divine work of the Infinite. Sergey, deep gratitude to you for such a timely and powerful instrument that creates our new reality. These are the first manifested sounds of the new reality. And they roll through the newborn Cosmos in powerful waves, through each individualization of the Infinite, helping each of us to become true Givers of Movement and Measure" - Irina Panferova (Russia)

Album contents:

  • White Light (13:52)
  • Symphony of Abundance (19:47)

Bonus tracks:

  • Symphony of Hope (remix)
  • Symphony of Abundance (“light” version)

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