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By The Seer Almine
How to Overcome Illness and Maintain Physical Health (1998)
Understanding the Language of Pain and Healing Ourselves
“I have frequently said in my lectures that God sends nothing but good. God sends lessons, or God sends gifts. And from a lofty vantage point you realize that these are both the same. Why is it then that we hurt, that we have disease, that we have sickness? It is necessary for us to be able to answer this question and to understand what illness is. Illness and sickness and disease – and this includes accidents – is the language of spirit. I have frequently said that your feelings in the language of soul. In the same way illness is the language of spirit. It is your God mind – your Higher Self – telling you about those portions of your life that are out of alignment with who you are. You are a Luminous Being of Perfected Light, having a human experience. And although there are no right and wrong choices, there always is a higher choice. That choice which most fully reflects who you are – The Luminous Being of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and you are present everywhere. For you are a consciousness superimposed over all that is”
– The Seer Almine
Duration: 55:19
Maintaining Your Sacred Space In Troubled Times (1998)
How to walk in peace in the midst of turmoil
“Changes occur very rapidly. And if we do not flow with these changes and these rhythms, it can be a very uncomfortable time. It is because of this that connecting with rhythms and learning to let go will be one of our greatest allies during these turbulent times” – The Seer Almine
Duration: 55:54
Shamanic MerKaBa (1999)
Accessing God Mind
Secrets of The Ancient Toltecs
Teaching and Guided Meditation by The Seer Almine
“Mankind for a long time have not had a memory of a safe place, and this lack of vision on a part of humanity creates the future. If we are not free from past expectations of catastrophes and cataclysms. We may reprogram it into the future, and this was exactly that was being done by the masses. For they have in their very cellular memory the three major cataclysms that have been on this planet before – putting us into what the Hopi called “the fourth world”. I was told that because of our lack of remembering the safe place that did not end in catastrophe, it was necessary for the Lightworkers of the Planet to start visualizing such a place. And it has to be done in connection with the octahedron inside the sphere… I would ask those that have this technique to use it sparingly and to approach it respectfully, making sure that you do not do it on a full stomach, that you allow all the energy in your body to be doing of this MerKaBa. It is time for us to understand that there is only limited amounts of energy available to us in human form. We need to make sure that we can access as much of it as we possibly can.”
– The Seer Almine
Duration: 1 hour
The Earth Heart Connection (2001)
“It is my sacred privilege to bring you information that will make sense of some of the great changes that some of you undergo in your life” – The Seer Almine
Duration: 55:05
Price: US$59,90
Payment: via PayPal
Account: jillbeanie13@hotmail.com
(Receiver: Jill Conklin)