Practical Webinar. Activation of the 7 Chakras and Fields of Existence

Practical Webinar. Activation of the 7 Chakras and Fields of Existence


Practical Webinar "The Great Holy One"

Activation of the 7 Chakras and Fields Of Existence

Achieving Oneness with All of Existence

1 webinar (4 hours)

Facilitator: Ella Yelinek (Spiritual Journeys LLC USA, Mudrost Almine)

Live translation is provided by Sergey Achkasov (Spiritual Journeys LLC USA, Mudrost Almine)

Cost: $50

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Dear friends, we invite you to participate in a group Activation of the seven chakras which correspond to the seven fields of existence, using the musical album of Sergey Achkasov, which is a great gift from the Infinite Mother, fulfilling the prophecy:

The Great Holy One shall once again come to dwell with humankind. He will bring hope to all lonely hearts, and they will hear the voice of the Infinite like a wind penetrating their whole being. The Earth shall awake, and everywhere new life will be birthed. In these days, children will be sages – their hearts will be pure, and they will hear the voice of the Infinite. The sick will become well, and youth will return to the elderly. Miracles will happen that bring life to the Earth and joy to the hearts of humankind. A star will impart a message to them, and a wind will carry this glad tiding throughout the whole Earth. And when men stagger as if drunk and women become perplexed, then the Holy Ones will bring them hope. The seeds of Godhood will grow in their hearts, and Masters shall arise.”- Almine

Regarding Almine's prophecy about The Great Holy One, it was spoken by her in Kiev, Ukraine in February 2013. She really said "he". After that she explained that the prophecy was spoken about the worldwide Lightfamily of Gods and Goddesses, and the Earth will be blessed by the Original Ones living in oneness with the Infinite's Intent.

The order of the musical pieces in this album correspond to the seven chakras and Fields of Perception.

Each piece activates the corresponding chakra, starting with the first chakra at the base of the spine (Genesis), and ending with the seventh or crown chakra (The Great Holy One). For greater effectiveness, it is recommended that you consciously participate in the activation process, focusing your attention on the given chakra for the duration of the corresponding piece (Genesis – 1st chakra, Sacred Fire – 2nd chakra, etc.).

The seven fields of existence are the field of interaction which influences your eternal journey and imparts to you necessary information.

As a result of this practice, effective interaction will begin between your chakra system and the fields of existence, through the transmittal of information in code. All of your chakras will begin to gradually unite into a unified sphere of white light, and receive information from all surrounding life, and interact with all spheres of existence. This is how we attain Oneness.

Principle of Godhood number 139 from the course Entering Godhood:

Indivisible Oneness of the body and its fields

We have said over and over, “The ocean is in the island, and the island is in the ocean.” How can we understand that? By realizing that we are spaceless space. The fact that we perceive outer space and inner space, and we perceive our body as an element existing separately from both, speaks about a peculiarity of our perception that we desired to give an accessible and understandable explanation to. Merging of the body and all fields is inherent to God-beings. We begin to realize that our body is a fluid, dynamic field. The fields around the body are also present within the body, but at the same time, the body is within the fields. The largest field is the cosmic field, and our bodies carry it within. Our body is either the expression of the cosmic field, or its mirror reflection, if we remain in the conviction that our body exists separately from the other fields of existence.

We invite you to take part in our group activation of the seven chakras, uniting with the seven Fields of Existence of the One.

As a result of this group work, you will be able to:

- unite your chakras into a unified sphere and, providing effective interaction with the 7 fields of existence

- receive information from all of life around you and interact with all spheres of existence

- merge into one your body and all fields, including inner and outer space, a quality inherent to God-beings

- perceive your body as a fluid and dynamic field

- enhance the effectiveness of practicing Sabahut.

About group practice: as shown by my many years of experience in teaching, deep integration of any material happens during practical application of the material by each and every student in the group together with the practitioner-teacher – not by seeing an example provided by the teacher, or provided by the teacher working with one student, but each student taking part in the process itself. As a result, the efficiency of the alchemical process is leveraged exponentially, and further work with the given techniques and practices (especially by a beginner) will also be much more effective.

This webinar is recommended for:

- everyone who is ready to leave the confines of the matrix and ascend to the throne of Self-Sovereignty of a God-being, to reсlaim the strength and power that was theirs from the beginning of time

- those who use various tools from Almine's courses and books

- those who use various systems of cards produced by Almine

- those who practice Belvaspata

- students of the International Academy of Spiritual Mastery

- healers, coaches, etc.

- anyone whose heart responds:

So the time has come for the caterpillar to change into a butterfly!

Participants will receive a personal link to the recordings of the webinar for online listening

Facilitator: Ella Yelinek

Spiritual Journeys LLC USA, Mudrost Almine

Spiritual Master, teacher, healer.

Co-president and certified teacher of the International Academy of Spiritual Mastery

Grand Master and Space Holder for Europe of the Sacred Runes of the Infinite Mother – initiation received directly from the Immortal Master Almine

Grand Master of Belvaspata (Healing with the Angels)

Master Alchemist

High Priestess of Huna Qi Vesta

Host of the Russian-language radio show “Path to Yourself – Spiritual Oneness” on the Russian-language radio channel Almine’s Wisdom (Mudrost Almine)

Testimonial about group work:

Ella, eternal thanks for the truly cosmic work you have done for the good of the Infinite and all of Existence. On my own, I am not always able to get into the necessary state to the depth that I am when you are leading the process. Personally for me, it is very important specifically for the magical ceremony of Cellular self-regeneration. I sense how fundamental it is for the given moment, and now doing the ceremony using the recording of the webinar is great. Thank you again for what you have done.

Irina, Russia


Thank you for organizing such pertinent webinars! In the state of the Zero Point, old programs are dissolved, which firmly hold us in the matrix, and the cleansed space is then filled with new principles of being. The energies during the webinars are so powerful, that deep layers of memory are cleared. I wholeheartedly thank you, Ella, for the opportunity to take part in this process of transformation.


Blessings to you all! I have wished to express in words the feelings of gratitude for the Rune and Untaintable Existence courses and the results in my being from the alchemy of all participating. I cannot find the words and I think you know what I mean. There are no words only immense changes within and growing praise, gratitude, trust, and Divine Compassion. I have come to a place also of great joy in living and unfolding revelations of self within the Infinite. I am also being brought into a deeper more joyous experience of practicing Belvaspata and the experience within of being a Grand Master. Ella, Sergey, Ekaterina, and all who work to bring these courses into reality thank you for this great blessing. Also, a humorous experience I had with Sergey's music - I purchased The Infinite album and couldn't figure out why I did not like the music. It was like many notes were missing. I knew it was something within me and asked to know what was " going on". Well I listened again to the Infinite song and all the music was there for me to hear - it was wonderful! I was afraid to experience the depth of release of emotions. Your music led me through a most joyous experience. I danced within and throughout the Universe!

With great love for you all, Lynette

It is just unbelievable, the energies were unbelievable and powerful! I feel like every cell is vibrating, my whole body feels pin-pricked :))) My whole body is humming, like I am about to take off! I love you and I thank you from my whole heart!!!


Ella, I write you my testimonial about your webinars with sincere Love and Gratitude. Thanks to these practical lessons the material is very easy to integrate, practically without questions. All nuances are discussed, everything is explained in detail, so the participants have no trouble applying all of the techniques taught. Just listen and do, and sincerely thank your teacher for the work they put in. Dear Ella, I sincerely thank you for helping us all. Great thanks to you.

With great Love and Gratitude, Lena Ustinova

Ella, HUGE THANKS for your DIVINE work!!!! I feel and experience with you what no person or event in my life has been able to give me… things I cannot express with words… rapture… enchantment… lightness of being… freedom. I LOVE YOU!!!!! Gratitude and LOVE….TO YOU AND ALMINE… I THANK you and ALL that took part in the creation of this SONG OF PRAISE!!!!! DIVINE sensations, every cell is singing…. Before this webinar, I didn’t understand… PRAISE – what is that about??? Praise TO ALL OF YOU for the great event of GODHOOD awakened my cells!!!! WITH LOVE….GRATITUDE… and NEWLY REGAINED PRAISE!!!!


Dear Ella! These webinars have completely changed my Perception, and for a long time afterward I held a very deep impression from what I saw and heard! In large part, it is because you were able to show a completely Unique perspective on abundance, which had not been accessible to me before, although I am a very inquisitive person, and it is difficult to amaze me))) But you managed to do this 100%! The new information and the new VISION you opened for me had a deep and positive effect on my life. Huge Gratitude to you for that! There are so few Master-Revolutionaries on the planet that give new perception to people based on their own personal insights, achievements, revelations, and life trials, with the experience received from them! That call people to take up the challenge that will forever take them to a new layer of reality, where everything happens naturally and harmoniously. I am so glad that our life paths have crossed, and I will be forever Grateful for this!

With Love and Gratitude, Ekaterina Mikhailova

My dear miraculous Ella! Thanks to YOU I have completely forgotten how to walk!!!))) Yes, now I only fly, and miracles follow me persistently: they happen at every step! I LOVE and Thank you! It will take me a very long time to describe everything, but sometimes it is hard even for me to believe I am in Germany.

Inessa Borga

That was such a great webinar! Lots of step by step instructions. I could feel very well, all the wheels moving through me and the grounding rod as well.

Thank you for caring so much and putting all this material together. We did not get these instructions from Almine. It is really great that you have done this work so that you can teach us now.

I could see a tube of white, smoky light form around the middle of the Earth and spread this smoky white light everywhere on Earth. It is a big cleansing that is occurring. It is great healing for the Earth and the people. How wonderful that we can do this type of work, all of us together. It is very high alchemy that is unfolding now. So grate to be part of it all.

Thank you so much for bringing us together in this way.

I started feeling the powerful energies through me on the day before the seminar started. It carried through the rest of the next day and through the night after the seminar. I do not really sleep long hours, now for the last month but, I have lots of energy. I do sleep for about 4 hours in the early mornings. So, my body continues to evolve at the tremendously rapid rate. It is really great to have you there to support us through these changes. That is the big help we all appreciate very much.

Dhani, Canada

Thank you so very much for the blessed transmission on Saturday! I could not be there "live" but listened on Monday and the blessings flowed! Such revelations occurred while listening to Ella and Sergey.

Lynn Ruest, USA

I am having difficulty expressing what the webinar on Aug 1 means to me as my emotions I have not felt before. Thank you is all I can manage. Sometimes during the webinars I am not aware of hearing Russian from Ella and then the English from Sergey; only aware of learning and experiencing. The ceremony for Rune of incorruptible Magic was an incredible blessing and journey to something unknown inside myself I want to beg Ella and Sergey to please do a ceremony in each webinar as i want more of what was imparted to us during the ceremony today. If not possible to do more ceremonies I know it is what Infinite intent desires. All i have to offer in return is a lame thank you and prayers for the Infinite Mother to bless and fill Ella and Sergey and Ekaterina with joy and prosperity. Love, praise, gratitude, and trust!

Lynn Ruest, USA

Just want to say thank you for the course. I am loving it absolutely. I love Sergey's enthusiasm and passion and the great way in which he translates and shares all he does. I love Ella's expertise and generosity in sharing and I thank all the other support structure staff (ekaterina and anyone else) who assists in the webinar. Thank you so much. I know absolutely that this is going to be a life enhancing and life changing course <3.

With praise, love, gratitude and trust to all <3 xxx

Reena Joshi, South Africa

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