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The Seer Almine
Shield of Protection (1998)
Price: US$55
Payment: via PayPal
Account: jillbeanie13@hotmail.com
(Receiver: Jill Conklin)
Primary Topics:
To what extent we can objectively assess our level of spiritual safety
Secrets of spiritual power
How to live in a state of immovability, invincibility, and absolute impermeable protection from black magic and ill intent
What is necessary in order for us to constantly receive information from The Infinite
The primary reason we get sick and how to work with the language of the body
Channels for receiving non-cognitive information
How to determine whether or not we are ready to teach others
How to release inner conflict in dealing with those around us and how to build comfortable and harmonious relationships with all people, regardless of their level of Consciousness
How to release judgment of others, and why this is important for our safety and well-being
Duration: 3 hours