The Global Lightning Rods April Sacred Musical Ceremony

The Global Lightning Rods April Sacred Musical Ceremony


The Seer Almine Recording Studio presents:

The Global Lightning Rods April Sacred Musical Ceremony

Format: downloadable mp3

Price: US$24

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“The Original Ones’ destiny is to be lightning (neutral) rods for electric disturbances on Earth. They attract the electric current and ground it to make it harmless.” – The Seer Almine

As we know from The Seer Almine, the increase in catastrophic events and military conflicts on the Earth is caused by an electrical imbalance created by an overpolarization of the planet's electrical component. Observing events in the world, we can see an increase in global tension, expressed in anomalous weather patterns and political tensions.

Most of the humanity is inclined to a mood of panic, helplessness, and fear of the future – but this is not true for us. We know that electrical activity can sometimes become imbalanced, and its tension, or voltage, can become very high and destructive. And we also know what we must do to lower the global electrical tension (voltage): by restoring harmony between the electrical component and its partner, the magnetic.

Lightning rods are used to protect the vitally important infrastructure of cities on the Earth from destructive lightning strikes. They literally absorb the strike but are not destroyed in the process. They remain in place and perform their function of protecting the Earth from destructive strikes.

According to Almine, we can prevent destructive events if we are prepared to fulfill our destiny – to be the lightning rods of the Earth.

We, at The Seer Almine Studio in Russia, have used all of the instructions we received from The Seer to create Sound Alchemy for activating the quality in us of Lightning Rods of the Earth. As part of the process of the Global Lightning Rods Musical Ceremony, Sound Alchemy combines with our consciously creating within ourselves the state of being a lightning rod for the world. For this reason, the Global Lightning Rod Ceremony is meant to be performed multiple times.

First, we join together in the power of group Alchemy. You conduct the Musical Ceremony whenever it is most convenient for you, during the month of April 2022, with the intent of joining in Timelessness with our whole international Lightfamily, creating a Field of Collective Alchemy that embraces the whole Planet. After this, you may repeat the Ceremony whenever you feel inspired to, using it as your personal tool to activate in you the function of Lightning Rod of the Earth. You may perform the Ceremony without a specific intent, or you may choose a particular situation where you intend to remove the electrical tension and create conditions for peace. This can be any situation where there is tension, including a region of the Earth that is experiencing extreme weather or political and military conflict. Regardless of whether you create a specific intent or not, you are fulfilling the function of Protector of the Earth.

What do we need to know to be effective in our role as Planetary Lightning Rods?

In the above-quoted message, Almine points out the key quality that we need to be effective Lightning Rods of the Earth – it is the state of neutrality.

The state of neutrality has nothing in common with passive apathy. It is a state we actively and intentionally create within ourselves to neutralize conflicts and create beneficial conditions for planetary evolution. It is the state of the Impartial Observer that we consciously cultivate during the Ceremony. Almine once revealed to us that this state of the Impartial Observer is the most powerful and effective tool, and that it serves as the basis for Belvaspata and all our other tools.

If we want to become a source of Blessing for another person, group of people, or situation in the world, we just keep the our chosen area of influence in the field of our awareness while the Ceremonial Elixirs are playing, without value judgments or desire to change anything.

During one of her Seminars, Almine had her students do an experiment with an apple. We all tasted the apple we were given. Then we spent some time just looking at it, keeping it in the field of our awareness, without any desire to influence or change. Afterwards, we tasted the apple again, and almost every student noticed that their apple changed and tasted much better! In this way, we were able to see the Power of Blessing at work.

In a state of neutral observing, we literally become conduits of the transformational Power of the Infinite. In this way, we can effectively transmit the power of the Infinite's Blessings for ourselves, one person or selected group of people, or for the whole Earth.

In other words, neutrally observing – without value judgments or desire to change something:

  • Firstly, we fulfill the function of Planetary Lightning Rods, neutralizing the potential for natural disasters, conflicts and catastrophes
  • Secondly, we become the Conduits of Healing, Peace, and Blessing of The Infinite for the world around us

The Musical Ceremony “The Global Lightning Rods” is comprised of 2 Sound Elixirs:

The Lightning Rod (19:51)

Power of Blessing (20:10)

Practical recommendations for performing The Global Lightning Rods Sacred Musical Ceremony:

  1. Choose a ceremonial space where you will not be disturbed for about 1 hour.
  2. If desired, choose a situation – in your personal life, or a group of people, or a specific situation in the world – where there is tension, potential for conflict, or a natural disaster (hurricane, earthquake, threat of flooding from heavy rains, etc.), or a region of the Earth where there is military conflict or political unrest.
  3. Turn on the Ceremonial Sound Elixirs. For your convenience, we have created a combined file containing both files in their ceremonial order: Global Lightning Rods Ceremony mp3. While the Elixirs are playing, keep the situation – or, if you have not chosen a specific situation, the whole planet Earth – in the field of your awareness, in a relaxed effortless meditative state with no value judgments or desire to change anything. Just observe.
  4. You may repeat this Ceremony as many times as you like, using it as a personal instrument to reinforce within yourself the state of Impartial Observer – Lightning Rod for the Earth. Every time you repeat the Ceremony, this state will become more deeply integrated within. As a result, it will remain with you forever, and will function in the background in your daily life. This way, you will constantly heal and harmonize your surroundings and any situations that come into your awareness.

As a grounding rod, you prevent catastrophes as a method of bringing forced change.– The Seer Almine

If you have any questions, please contact us at

The total duration of The Ceremony: 40 minutes

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