


The Seer Almine Recording Studio presents:


July 27 (2022) Sacred Alchemical Musical Ceremony

Format: downloadable mp3

Price: US$27

Dear Friends, unfortunately, due to economic sanctions and Russia being cut off from PayPal, VISA, and MasterCard payment systems, Almine’s Russian online store, currently cannot accept payments from outside of Russia. As a temporary alternative, we offer you the option of using the following USA-based PayPal account: (Receiver: Jill Conklin.) Please list the name of the product you purchase in the comments, along with the email address where you wish to receive the files you order. We will deliver the mp3 files directly to your email address within 24 hours after your purchase.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us:

We are cordially invited to the Sacred Gathering of The Lightfamily – beyond space and time.

For your convenience, you can participate in July 27 Sacred Ceremony at any time and location which is the most comfortable for you. The Power of our Collective Alchemy is never affected by not participating at the same time and location. We are Eternal Beings living in the realm of timelessness.

“Mark the 27th of July on your calendars please and dedicate that day to live Heaven on Earth and restore wholesomeness to all aspects of your lives. In quietness and confidence, shall be your strength” – The Seer Almine

You can participate for 1-2 hours or during the entire day of July 27 (2022), listening to The Ceremonial Elixirs all day long in your most comfortable setting – in the comfort of your living room, bedroom or outdoors, whatever your preference is.

Recommendations for participation in The Realms of Delight July 27 Sacred Musical Ceremony

It is a great opportunity for all of us to explore one of the most favorite tools of The Seer Almine – Deep Contemplative Dreaming.

Those of us who have participated in Almine’s Newport Retreats, have been able to observe The Seer in action as she entered the very deep level of awareness which is the transitional state between sleep and wakefulness. During our Russian-language Newport Retreats we observed Almine entering this state many times during the Retreats and usually she would come back from it with the abundance of revelations and insights. Very often later they would become the topics of her books, online courses and Premier Webinars. Also, we as participants had an opportunity to learn to do the same during the Silent Retreats.

The “instruction” may seem very simple:

  • Make sure that you are comfortable: the most comfortable clothes, the most comfortable space, the most comfortable temperature, comfortable position of the body, using blankets and pillows if necessary.
  • Almine has never asked us to be still all the time. She tells us: “Eat when you are hungry. Have a cup of tea or drink water if you want to. Sleep if you are tired. Go for a walk if you want to. Use the bathroom if necessary”. Total freedom of just beingness in your comfortable Ceremonial space. If you feel like drawing, you can draw. If you feel like writing down your insights, you can write. If you feel like dancing, you can dance. Total freedom of being what you are and doing what you want to do – during the Ceremonial time.
  • At any time during listening to The Ceremonial Elixirs you can choose to enter a deep dreaming state and just allow whatever you feel like dreaming and fantasizing about.
  • Dreams and fantasies are not something that we “make ourselves do it” or “create them artificially”. All of us dream and fantasize naturally. There are no “right” or “wrong” desires. There are different levels of Consciousness. Each of us is absolutely perfect where we are at this moment. Our Consciousness can be upgraded any time unexpectedly and spontaneously, but we understand that we are always absolutely perfect and whole at where we currently are, and we will be absolutely perfect and whole where we will be at the next moment, tomorrow, at some observable or distant future, or at any time beyond our expectations. If you dream about what you dream about now, it means that you need this experience which prepares you for what comes next…
  • As you listen to The Ceremonial Elixirs, just give yourself permission to dream and fantasize about what you want, without doubts and self-analysis. Allow the creativity of The Infinite to flow through you without any restrictions.

  • For your convenience, we created the Ceremonial mp3 file – the combination of both Sound Elixirs in their Ceremonial order.
  • You can leave your Ceremonial Space any time at your choice.
  • You can keep re-playing The Elixirs as long as you want during the day of July 27 and then any time whenever you feel like.

THE REALMS OF DELIGHT Sacred Musical Ceremony consists of the 2 Sound Elixirs:

The Sacred Fantasies (22:41)

Boundlessness (20:26)

Your personal benefits of The July 27 Ceremony:

1) You raise the level of your perception. You enrich yourself with new revelations and insights. You will be able to effortlessly access all knowledge and resources that you need at every moment. You significantly upgrade your problem-solving skills.

2) All your dreams and desires come true. They will inevitably become your manifested reality. You are becoming more awarer of your mastery of instant manifestation.

If you experience any technical issues with downloading The Ceremony or need any assistance, please contact Sergey directly

Phone/iMessage/WhatsApp/Viber: +7 963 961 7968
Telegram: @atchkassov
(+7 963 961 79 68)
Skype: almine.russia

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