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The Seer Almine’s Recording Studio in Russia presents:
Music for Self-Empowerment
Format: МР3
The Sound Elixir “YOU ARE POWERFUL” is based on the message from Almine by the same title recently published on alminediary.com (www.alminediary.com/you-are-powerful/)
Once again, The Infinite through Almine reminds us that we possess mighty Divine power, due to which we cannot become prey to fear or depression; and also, that we are inspired authors of our own magnificent reality that we create in each new moment.
“Do not allow the depressed state of humanity to enter your ‘Heaven on Earth’ living space. We have known this time was coming, My Darlings, do not be afraid. You are ready. You are powerful. Find joy in your daily work and inspiration from little discoveries of beauty. Do not be afraid of tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Let us fill this day with glad surprises through discovering the treasures of the moment and generosity towards others.”
~ The Seer Almine
The joyful and uplifting Sound Elixir “You are Powerful” helps us become living embodiments of all qualities and states transmitted in Almine’s message. The power we are endowed with truly has no bounds. We become the source of influence on all of Cosmic life.
Duration: 10:46